Become a volunteer

An integral part of all of our events!

Without volunteers our events cannot happen.

They are an integral part of race weekends, and they are often the part that runners remember the most!

For each event there are a number of roles that need attending to in order to give the runners an enjoyable and safe experience on race day. These can be seen below. In return for volunteering you will be entitled to a free entry into ANY of our races over the next two years. This includes all of the longer ultra distances in both our Summer or Winter Events. There is also the option of taking some of our lovely UK Ultra merchandise instead such as hoodies, gilets, hats etc.

We are always on the lookout for volunteers and if you would like to get involved then please fill out the form below or to enquire then email

available volunteer roles

Course Sweeper
Following the last runners out on the route. A great way to get some long training miles in and to be on hand if any issues arise for the runners.
Course Marker
Marking out the route with signage.
Aid Station Crews
Helping to set up the food/drink options and supplying this to the runners, sorting drop bags, encouraging, and supporting the runners.
Helping to register runners and answer any questions.
Finish Line
Cheering the runner's home, handing out medals and race T-shirts and marshalling the area in general.
Course Clearer
Covering sections of the route, collecting in signs. This can be done at your own pace/time and is a good way to get in some long miles. This can be done on race day or the following day. Whichever is preferable.

Register to be a volunteer