Hibernal Hills 50k is a single loop race around the beautiful hills of Hampshire and West Sussex and is a great ultra to get the year off and running.
Starting and finishing in the stunning location of Queen Elizabeth Country Park under Butser Hill, runners with follow some great countryside trails, rolling hills and a few steep climbs but on the whole, a very runnable route. After leaving QECP, the route runs down to Stansted House, then up along some great wooded trails through Compton to Harting Downs and South Harting before heading back to the start.
There is just over 4000 ft of elevation and as with all our races, it is fully marked for easy navigation and regular aid stations. It is a UTMB Index race and worth 2 ITRA points.
This race will also form part of the South Downs 50K Triple Crown if you wish to enter.
South Downs Triple Crown 50k.
Permit: Our permits are granted through the ARC. Permit pending.
Entries are available on a first come, first served basis and once it is full, they will be closed. No waitlist will be in operation. Entry is open to everyone, and no qualifying race is needed to enter.
Any time up until November 6th you are entitled to a 50% refund. After this time no refunds will be given. The only exception to this is pregnancy. In this case if you inform us before the race you will receive a full refund.
If you can no longer make the event, there is the option of deferring your place to 2027 or transferring it to another runner. Deferrals to the following year can only be made up until 2 weeks before race day and transferring to another runner must only be done 1 week before and, not after. Pregnant women will be able to defer their place to 2027/28 if they wish. Please email neil@ukultra.co.uk if you wish to do either of these.
We want highly competitive races at the sharp end of the fields and, welcome elite runners to come and compete for wins and course records. We do reserve places for elites and have packages in place to help. These are decided on an individual basis by the Race Director. If you are an elite runner and would like to take part, then please email neil@ukultra.co.uk.